I’m pleased to announce that our paper on Chaos was accepted at SOSP, the top systems conference which is held in Monterey, CA this year. Chaos is the new graph processing system we’ve been building at LABOS for the past couple of years.
The other bit of news is that I got stuck with the presentation (thanks Amitabha!). After a couple years pitching mostly to business folks, I get to do it in front of the technical audience. Hopefully the whole thing won’t turn into a complete fiasco, especially with it being recorded and published on YouTube… 😉
Chaos scales graph processing from secondary storage to multiple machines in a cluster. Earlier systems that process graphs from secondary storage are restricted to a single machine, and therefore limited by the bandwidth and capacity of the storage system on a single machine. Chaos is limited only by the aggregate bandwidth and capacity of all storage devices in the entire cluster. Chaos builds on the streaming partitions introduced by X-Stream in order to achieve sequential access to storage, but parallelizes the execution of streaming partitions. Chaos is novel in three ways. First, Chaos partitions for sequential storage access, rather than for locality and load balance, resulting in much lower pre-processing times. Second, Chaos distributes graph data uniformly randomly across the cluster and does not attempt to achieve locality, based on the observation that in a small cluster network bandwidth far outstrips storage bandwidth. Third, Chaos uses work stealing to allow multiple machines to work on a single partition, thereby achieving load balance at runtime. In terms of performance scaling, on 32 machines Chaos takes on average only 1.61 times longer to process a graph 32 times larger than on a single machine. In terms of capacity scaling, Chaos is capable of handling a graph with 1 trillion edges representing 16 TB of input data, a new milestone for graph processing capacity on a small commodity cluster.
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